Recently named as one of Forbes’ “Top 15 AI Ethicists” and as a Visiting Fellow at Oxford’s Institute for
Ethics in AI, BG(R) Dave Barnes empowers senior business and government leaders seeking to develop,
implement, and lead strategic and responsible digital transformation, aligning business strategy while
mitigating AI ethical, legal, and societal risks affecting their business or investment decisions.
He retired from the US Army after 32 years of distinguished service, most recently serving as Professor,
United States Military Academy (PUSMA) Department of English and Philosophy, West Point, NY and as
Chief AI Ethics Officer for the US Army’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration Center (AI2C).
As Chief AI Ethics Officer, he advises the Army on incorporating ethics, law, and policy into Army AI
design, development, testing, and employment, directly contributing to the development of the DoD AI
Ethical Principles and the 2020 US Army AI Strategy. He directs the effort to develop and operationalize
an Army Responsible AI strategy.
He has provided expert assistance to DARPA, the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO),
Defense Innovation Board (DIB), National Security Commission on AI, OSD Autonomy Community of
Interest (CoI), OSD Biotechnology CoI’s Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Subcommittee, and
others. He also served as the US Army’s Senior Service Representative for the USSOCOM Commander’s
2019 Comprehensive Review of Culture and Ethics.
He is an internationally renowned expert in responsible and assured AI, human machine teaming, and
autonomy. He is a member of the Editorial Boards for AI and Ethics and the Journal of Military Ethics,
and a Non-resident Fellow at the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace. He is the author of
The Ethics of Military Privatization: The US Armed Contractor Phenomenon and multiple articles on
ethics of armed conflict and the ethics of emerging technology; he has been an invited panelist and
speaker for over 100 national and international events.
BG(R) Barnes graduated from the United States Military Academy with a BS in Aero-Mechanical
Engineering. He holds a MA in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a PhD in
philosophy from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
His remarks are personal views and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Defense, the
United States Army, or any other department or agency of the United States Government.